Matthew McDaniel

Matthew McDaniel


Squat: 325

Bench Press:230

Bar Muscle-Ups: a couple


Front Squat:235


CrossFit Level 1 Certification

About Coach

Super competitive from an early age & played sports coming up. Joined the wrestling team on a whim & made the varsity team. Fortunately, I’ve had great CrossFit coaches & have made awesome friends in this community. My desire is to be a coach that gives back and also inspires.

Turning Point

I had to learn to listen to my coaches. My own limited knowledge of weightlifting and exercise turned out to be my biggest obstacle. So I got discouraged and took a long break from CrossFit. Luckily, my friends in the community urged me to give it another shot.

Motivation & Passion

I like helping people, so coaching allows me to do that. I’m an early riser, so I like seeing other athletes start their day off with exercise, positivity, and a sense of achievement.

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